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Paramedical & Allied Health Science

Paramedical & Allied Health Science

"To be a centre of excellence, dedicated to quality education in healthcare and research, by integrating values, commitment, social consciousness, professionalism and services to the community by creating skilled global health professionals ".

Paramedical Courses

Allied Health Sciences Courses

About Allied Health Science

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, has recommended the following definition: “Allied and health care professionals (AHPs) includes individuals involved with the delivery of health or healthcare related services, with qualifications and competence in therapeutic, diagnostic, curative, preventive and/or rehabilitative interventions. They work in multidisciplinary health teams in varied health care settings including doctors, nurses and public health officials to promote, protect, treat and/or manage a person(‘s) physical, mental, social, emotional, environmental health and holistic well-being.
The government and the healthcare sector have recognized the need and importance of the allied health professions. The Midnapore City College has coordinated the setting up different health professional courses as Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology, Masters in Medical Laboratory Technology, Bachelor of Hospital Management and Masters in Hospital Administration. The primary focus is to prepare Allied Health Sciences department of Midnapore City College to perform for the wellbeing of the mankind with commitment and dedication. The department aims to become a leader in Allied Health Sciences Education and the department continues to grow and expand its activities to research in biomedical areas. Opportunities abound for students and faculty at all levels to participate in basic, translational, interdisciplinary and community oriented research.
Considering these objectives, the Academy established smart classrooms, Pathology lab, serology lab, parasitology lab with an additional Central Research Laboratory focusing more on advanced techniques using advanced instruments apart from a well-equipped “General Laboratory”. Allied health workers are an untapped treasure, critical to fixing the gaping holes in India’s health workforce, particularly the severe shortage of physicians and specialists.

About Medical Laboratory Technology

"He who cures a disease may be the skill fullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician"

~Thomas Fuller

The Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology a. k. a clinical laboratory science helps diagnose, treat and prevent disease through clinical laboratory tests. It is complementary to medical science. It involves analysis of body matter such as fluid, tissue, and blood. It also covers micro-organism screening, chemical analyses, and cell count. These professionals, medical lab technicians and technologists, play an important role in collecting information, sampling, testing, reporting and documenting medical investigations. Read on to know how to develop a career in medical lab technology.
Medical Technologist work covers areas such as;

  1. Blood banking
  2. Clinical Chemistry (chemical analysis of body fluids)
  3. Haematology (blood related)
  4. Immunology (study of immune system)
  5. Microbiology (study of bacteria and other disease organisms)
  6. Cytotechnology (study of human tissue)
  7. Phlebotomy
  8. Urine analysis
  9. Coagulation
  10. Parasitology
  11. Blood Sample Matching
  12. Drug Efficacy Tests
  13. Serology

Technologists may also conduct research supervised by medical researchers, who are responsible for maintaining report accuracy and conducting complex tests. They generally have more training than a medical laboratory technician, who performs routine testing under stipulated conditions. Technicians may help by preparing specimens and operating automated sample analysing machines, setting up testing equipment, keeping the lab clean, maintaining tools and conditions etc.
Medical laboratory technologists serve as members of the healthcare team, performing laboratory test related to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. They work in an interesting and dynamic environment using high-tech instruments to analyze samples and generate information with accuracy and quality control which assists the healthcare professionals.
There is always a high demand for trained lab professionals and with the advent of accreditation to laboratories the need for competent, skilled medical laboratory technicians is high and is expected to increase significantly in the coming years.
Currently the Microbiology department has 9 teaching faculty. 6 of them are doctors with MD in microbiology. The experienced, competent and stable faculty with 2 Professors, one Additional professor, one Associate Professor, two Assistant Professors, one lecturer and two tutors is an asset of this institution.
An all-round development of the students is ensured through the balanced blend of curricular and extracurricular activities. Class room teaching is made effective by the use of modern educational technology.
Apart from the practical training in the laboratories, students get exposed to several tests done in various laboratories like Microbiology, Haematology, Cytology, Blood bank, Biochemistry, Toxicology etc.

  • Central library has many text books, Journals, both Indian and foreign and internet facilities with online databases. There is a good department library too.Medical laboratory professionals have many job opportunities in Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, public health facilities, commercial clinical laboratories; they also find jobs in industrial research and in forensic and pharmaceutical laboratories in India as well as abroad.
  • In hospitals they will be initially appointed as technologists and in time may be promoted as Laboratory manager, Lab supervisor, Lab In charge, Health care administrator, Health and safety officer.
  • In Drug analysis lab they can work as drug safety officer where they can do drug testing, therapeutic drug monitoring.
  • In Research labs they can work as analytical associate, technical associate and after PhD they can be appointed as scientists.
  • In blood banks they can work as blood bank supervisors.
  • In Educational institutions they can work as coordinators, tutors or lecturers. If academically inclined one can pursue PhD and be promoted as Assistant Professor in educational institutions. Able candidates in due course of time can head a Paramedical institution.

About Medical Microbiology

“In microbiology the roles of mutation and selection in evolution are coming to be better understood through the use of bacterial cultures of mutant strains.”

~ Edward Tatum

The Medical Microbiology course is to train students in the field of Medical Microbiology. Theoretical as well as practical training is imparted to the candidates in the subspecialties viz. Bacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, Immunology and Mycology so that they can participate in good patient care and prevention of infectious diseases in the community. They are introduced to basic research methodology so that they can conduct fundamental and applied research. They are also imparted training in teaching methods in the subject which may enable them to take up teaching assignments in Medical Colleges/Institutes.
As a nation we have gone ahead in many respects. But there are still areas, which demand attention, care and concern. The area identified by our think-tanks is “global standards in Paramedical education and training. This course will provide trained, qualified, technical personnel in the field of Paramedical Science to support the medical profession. At the end of the course the students should be able to: Establish good clinical microbiological services in a hospital and in the community in the fields of bacteriology, virology, parasitology, immunology and mycology.

About Medical Biochemistry

Biochemistry is the science of life. All our life processes - walking, talking, moving, feeding - are essentially chemical reactions. So, biochemistry is actually the chemistry of life, and it's supremely interesting.

- Aaron Ciechanover

Medical Biochemistry is the branch of Biochemistry that studies the chemical composition and process in the human body. Medical Biochemistry directs diagnostics, clinical laboratories and treatment of patients with different biochemical and metabolically disorders. This course covers the field of biochemistry with a focus on human biology and medicine and includes core themes from a wide range of science subjects including chemistry, molecular biology and immunology. Laboratory, research and diagnostic methods will be developed throughout the course. Working as a medical biochemistry technician involves working in a lab, assisting in research by preparing samples, running simple tests, and communicating with doctors or scientists. Clinical biochemists can work in hospital laboratories to understand and treat diseases.

About Radiology and Imaging Techniques

Radiology and Imaging Techniques (Diagnostic Imaging, Medical Imaging, Radiology) is a body system structured training program that introduces the students to all of the major modalities and anatomic regions in preparation for the resident to challenge the national specialty examinations in Diagnostic Radiology, and to have the skills and knowledge to be a knowledgeable general radiologist.
Diagnostic Radiology encompasses a wide variety of modalities, anatomic regions, and clinical conditions. The major imaging modalities that will be studied in later sections of this course, include:

  1. X-rays (radiographs)
  2. Mammography
  3. Fluoroscopy
  4. Angiography
  5. Computed Tomography (CT)
  6. Ultrasound (with Doppler)
  7. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  8. Nuclear Medicine (PET/CT)

Diagnostic radiology helps health care providers to see structures inside human body. Students that specialize in the interpretation of these images are called diagnostic radiologists. Using the diagnostic images, the radiologist or other physicians can often:

  1. Diagnose the cause of your symptoms
  2. Monitor how well your body is responding to a treatment you are receiving for your disease or condition.
  3. Screen for different illnesses, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, or heart disease.